Knowing Christ and
Making Him Known

Join us this Sunday at 9:15am or 10:45am

Quick info:

Every Sunday morning at 9:15 and 10:45

Kid's ministry for birth to 6th grade both services

Gospel-centered worship and relevant, biblical preaching

Celebrate the Resurrection with us!

Good Friday Service - April 18 at 7pm

Easter Services - April 20 at 9:15 and 10:45am

We'll have nursery and kid's ministry for birth to 6th grade both hours. 
Our student and adult small groups won't meet to make sure there's plenty of parking for you!

We're a church on mission for Jesus

To grow spiritually

We want to know Jesus more and help each other know Him more

To engage our community

Everything we do as a church helps us show the love of Jesus to everyone in our circle of influence

To impact the Kingdom

Our heart is to reach people for Jesus and to see His Kingdom grow

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Check out the Latest Sermon

Each week we teach dynamic and relevant sermons straight from God's Word. Catch up on any sermons you missed or dive deeper into Scripture through past sermons.

Have to miss this Sunday? Join us live each week at 10:45am to worship with us online.